

La tutela nazionale assicurata agli interessi finanziari europei e la Giustizia riparativa in Europa

February 28, 2022
17.00 CET

Alessandra Lanciotti
Professor University of Perugia
DRAMP project’s Scientific Project Coordinator

With the Participation of
Simone Vezzani Professor of EU Law
Stefania Sartarelli Professor of Criminal Law
Vico Valentini Professor of Criminal Law
Simone Cociani Professor of Tax Law
Mariangela Montagna Professor of International Criminal procedure
Rossella Fonti Professor of Criminal Procedure 

Maria Mercedes Pisani DRAMP Project manager 

Webinar language: Italian 


DRAMP: Diversion, Restorative and Mediation Procedures to support EU antifraud action

December 3, 2021
11.00 CET

Introductory remarks
Alessandra Lanciotti
(Scientific Project Coordinator)

Presentation of the participants to the DRAMP PROJECT

DRAMP: a platform that facilitates the exchange of information on implementation, judicial experiences and best practices adopted by MS
Maria Mercedes Pisani
(Project manager and expert in EU Criminal Law)

Guidelines on national reports: purpose and insights
Sabrina Brizioli
(PhD in International and EU Law)


DRAMP: Diversion, Restorative and Mediation Procedures to support EU antifraud action

May 27, 2021
11.00 CET

Introductory remarks
Alessandra Lanciotti
(Scientific Project Coordinator)

Presentation of the Board of the DRAMP PROJECT

Introduction to the principal outputs and aims of the DRAMP project.
Maria Mercedes Pisani
(Project manager and expert in EU Criminal Law)