The D.R.A.M.P. project (Diversion, Restorative and Mediation Procedures in PIF Crimes) is a research project funded by the European Union's Hercules III programme.
28-29 April 2022
Restorative Justice, Mediation and Protection of EU Financial Interests.
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The project

The project aims to enhance legal and judicial cooperation between EU Member States in cases related to crimes against the EU financial interests and relevant to the newly established European Public Prosecutor Office (the “EPPO”). D.R.A.M.P.’s core action is to collate and analyse information on national rules and procedures on alternative dispute settlement and diversion that are applicable in the EU Member States to cases of fraud offences and also to assess the compatibility of domestic legislation with the principles of restorative justice and EU law.
The research, coordinated by Professor Alessandra Lanciotti (International and EU law), is carried out by a highly qualified team of researchers from the Perugia Law Department, in cooperation with distinguished lawyers and academics throughout Europe and members of the Association for European Criminal Law and for the Protection of the EU Financial Interests.
The outcomes of this research were presented at an International Conference held at the University of Perugia (Italy) on 28-29 April 2022.
The Conference Proceedings are available here