
List of contributors, participants and supporters of The DRAMP Project on "Diversion, restorative and mediations procedures in PIF crimes"

Members of the DRAMP project's scientific board:

Alessandra Lanciotti – Professor of International and EU Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Project’s Scientific Coordinator

Simone Francesco Cociani  Professor of Tax Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Scientific Board’s Member

Rossella Fonti  Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Scientific Board’s Member

Mariangela Montagna – Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Scientific Board’s Member 

Stefania Sartarelli – Senior Researcher in Criminal Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Scientific Board’s Member 

Vico Valentini –Professor of Criminal Law and EU Criminal Law, Department of Law, University of Perugia, DRAMP Scientific Board’s Member

Simone Vezzani – Professor of International and EU Law, University of Perugia, Member of the DRAMP Scientific Board  

Maria Mercedes Pisani -Attorney at Law, expert on European criminal law,Project Manager

Julia Innerhofer – Ass. Mag. Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Universität Wien 

Jente De Smedt – Ph.D. candidate at Institute of Criminal Law, KU Leuven

Sem Careel – Ph.D Fellow Fundamental Research at Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Institute of Criminal Law, KU Leuven  

Elizabeta Ivičević Karas – Professor of Criminal Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Marin Bonačić  Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, Ph.D., University of Zagreb

Zoran Burić – Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Daniela Selestrin – Mag. Iur., University of Split, Erasmus trainee in the Department of Law of the University of Perugia (February-June 2022)

Olga Sovová – Associate Professor, Police Academy of the Czech Republic, Law Faculty, Charles University, Prague

Jaan Ginter, Ph.D., Professor of Criminology at the Law Faculty, University of Tartu

Riikka Laitinnen – Doctoral Candidate in the University of Helsinki, District Court Judge

Raimo Lahti  Professor of Criminal Law- University of Helsinki 

Athina Giannakoula – Ph.D EU Criminal Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Member of Teaching Board National School of Judges, DRAMP Focal Point

Yannis Naziris – Ph.D., Assist. Professor of Substantive &  Procedural Criminal Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, DRAMP Focal Point

Erika Varadi- Csema, Ph.D. LL.M., Chairman Interdisciplinary Research Centre for alternative Conflict solution and Dispute Resolution, University of Miskolc, Senior researcher Ferenc Màdl Institute of Comparative Law of Ministry of Justice, Associate Professor Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc

Ferenc Sántha, Ph.D. Associate  Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc 

Cesare Borgia – Lawyer and Ph.D. candidate in Tax Law, Faculty of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza” 

Sabrina Brizioli, Ph.D., Department of Law, University of Perugia 

Francesco de Angelis, Honorary Director General, European Commission  

Alfredo Rizzo, Senior Research Fellow at INAPP Institute, EU Law expert 

Lorenzo Salazar, Sostituto Procuratore generale. Procura Generale presso la Corte di Appello di  Napoli, Vice Chair of OECD Working Group

Marta Positò – LL.M., Ph.D Candidate in Criminal Procedure, University of Perugia  

Justas Namavičius – Assist. Prof. Dr. European Criminal Law, University of Vilnius

Mirjam den Haan – LL.M,. Hoens & Souren Advocaten

Robbert J.P. Lugard –  LL.M., Emstermate Muizenbergje Risk and Compliance

Celina Novak – Director of Institute of Legal Studies – Polish Academy of Sciences

Tiago Sérgio Cabral  invited Lecturer at the Law School of the University of Minho, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Minho

Anca Jurma – Prosecutor at the National Anticorruption Directorate of Romania, President of the Romanian Association for Research of the European Criminal Law

Jelena Kostić – Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade

Marina Matić Bošković – Ph.D., Research Fellow, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade

Radovan Blazek – Ph.D., Assoc. Professor, Comenius University, Bratislava

Marek Kordik – Ph.D , Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava

Primož  Gorkič – Supreme Court judge, Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana

Miha Hafner – Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana

Mojca M. Plesničar – Institute of Criminology, University of Ljubljana

Miriam Cugat Mauri – Profesora Titular de Derecho Penal,  Directora del Servicio de Estudios y Dictámenes Jurídicos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 


Adán Nieto Martín – Catedrático de Derecho penal de la Universitad de Castilla La Mancha y subdirector de su Instituto de Derecho penal europeo e internacional  

Maria Inmaculada Valejie Álvarez – Profesora titular de Derecho penal, Universitad de Santiago de Compostela


Natalia Peréz Rivas  Prof. Ayudante Doctor y Vicedecana de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universitad de Santiago de Compostela 

Carmen Guil Roman – Magistrada, Audiència Provincial de Barcelona (Sección 3ᵃ) y Vicepresidenta Internacional de GEMME (Grupo Europeo de Magistrados por la Mediación), DRAMP Focal Point  

Maria Castro Corredoira – Profesora de Derecho penal en el Grado de Criminologìa, Universitad de Santiago de Compostela 

Carmen de Frutos Gomez  Fiscal coordinadora de conformidades, Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona  

Maria Jesus Guardiola Lago  Profesora agregada de Derecho penal, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona.

Staff for technical and administrative support:

Silvia Marte, LLM, Department of Law, University of Perugia, data processing and editing activities  

Domenico Pontini, Administrative Secretary, Department of Law, University of Perugia, 

Carla Mincioni, Secretary, Department of Law, University of Perugia, organization

Stefano Flamini, IT service, Department of Law, University or Perugia – book editing

Alessandro Rosanio, LL.M. Law, University of Perugia – editing

Daniela Moretti, LL.M., University of Perugia – supporting attivities and interpretation

Maria Caterina Sargenti, Secretary, Department of Law, University of Perugia, organization

Antonio Mazzeo, law student, Department of Law, University of Perugia – support activities  

Enaida Doci, law student, Department of Law, University of Perugia – support activities 

Grazia Dammacco, Web Designer & Developer – Webmaster