La Prof.ssa. Alessandra Lanciotti, Associato di Diritto internazionale e dell’UE, del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, ha illustrato i risultati del progetto europeo DRAMP, cofinanziato dalla Commissione Europea, a Friburgo, nella prestigiosa sede del Max Planck Institute, nel corso di un workshop “Protecting the EU’s Financial interessa: workshop on recent legal anti-faud research” organizzato insieme all’Ufficio anti-frode Europeo (OLAF) e con il supporto finanziario del Programma Anti-frode dell’Unione.
Professor Alessandra Lanciotti, of the Law Department of the University of Perugia, illustrated the results of the DRAMP project, co-financed by the European Commission, at the renowned Max Planck Institute, during a workshop “Protecting the EU’s Financial interessa: workshop on recent legal anti-faud research” organised together with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and with financial support from the Union Anti-Fraud Programme (UAFP).
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